Sunday, April 19, 2015

Another Bear Visit

Our black bear paid us a visit last night.  Kristina was sitting on the couch when she hear a crash in the backyard.  It was dark, so she couldn't see real well.  She flipped on the lights and thought she could see a black object, but she wasn't sure.  Eventually though the bear took the bird feeder and went back to a corner of the yard.  Only after he started moving, the light could be seen reflecting off the plastic topper and it was definitely our friend the bear.

There were no peanuts in the peanut box, although you could tell he took a swipe at it.  One of the suet cakes was devoured and then ultimately he took down the bird feeder.  You can see his aftermath below in the pictures.  When we was done, he just gently got up and walked down our path and back onto the trail -- like he owned the place!  Funny bear!

The bird feeder taken OUT.

You can see from this was a beefy steel pipe.

The next morning, the mallard was enjoying all of the spilled seed from the bear.  He just sat there while we took photos.  He didn't even move until we grabbed the feeder from him.