This weekend was the Phase 2 of getting the yard into shape for the upcoming summer. Lucky for Kristina, Jared took Thursday off from work since he already had Friday off (Good Friday); that way he got a head start on the task.
Bright and early on Thursday morning Jared prepared for the dirt arrival. We were having two deliveries; 12 cubic yards of dirt (this equates to a dump truck load) and 6 cubic yards of bark. Whenever we are due for deliveries, Jared sets up tarps on the driveway so that the delivery people know where to put it.
Here is where a lot of the dirt ended up. We had our huge Cottonwood cut down last Fall because it was rotting and becoming less stable. Having it cut down created all sorts of craters, holes, and just total unevenness in the backyard. So the plan was to get the yard leveled out again.
And, there's the dump truck load of up...bark.
The bark and dirt have been delivered and you can see the size of the piles. The really "black" pile on the right is the bark. It is a super fine bark and we spread around the bases of the trees and landscaped areas of the yard. It keeps the weeds from overtaking everything and it creates a moisture barrier for the trees and shrubs..
This is the finished product...a more level yard. In addition to leveling the yard out, we over-seeded the lawn and spread a thin layer of dirt on top of it. The thought being that it gives an extra layer of protection to the grass seed and hopefully it will germinate faster.
And a clean driveway...
A couple of shots from the can see the bark looks good along the landscaped areas!