Today was one of those beautiful Washington days. It was sunny, clear, dry, and in the mid 50's. As long as you were in the sun, it seemed perfect. We took the opportunity to go to our favorite spot in Carnation, the Tolt River. We started off letting Indy take a dip in the river (and of course, she fetched several sticks). However, after we did this, we turned back and went away from where it merges with the Snoqualmie River. It was a very nice path and there was hardly no one walking on it. Indy ran to her hearts content and took many more dips in the river. As Jared would say, "She is a SWIMMER!". That dog loves jumping into the river to soak. She jumps in gets all wet and then hops out. We walk a ways down the trail and she has to jump in again, get all wet, and do it all over again. Lucky for us, the river is very clear! What a day to be a doggie!