It's always great to head up to see Iron Goat Trail for anyone that hasn't seen it. It has pretty views, lots of history, and the trail is really nice. Jared's parents had never seen it, so it was time they had! The trail starts out paved and then quickly transitions to a nice bark trail that is quite wide. It follows the old train grade, and has a lot of interpretive signs along the way.
Indy was of course leading the charge as usual.
Rodger and Barbara weren't far behind however! We had a great day out hiking and soaking in the sights.
After we were done, there was a bit of time left, so Jared decided to take his parents to see the Trout Lake trailhead and maybe make it up to the giant fir tree along that trail. Unfortunately, there was a serious slide over the winter, and the road was closed... and maybe for a long time! The slide took a few hundred giant trees down with it and scattered them across the road! Oh well, better luck next time!