Well, it is that time of year again...de-thatching time! Jared always does a great job of getting all of the moss and undergrowth out from the grass so it can breathe again. We are a bit behind this year since the weather is ahead of schedule, but that's ok -- it will get done!
Here's a shot of the front yard!
And, the daffodils are in full bloom -- in mid-March! It is crazy! They are always the first signs of Spring!
More piles of moss lined up in the yard waiting to be put into the compost bin!
Kristina also took advantage of the nice weather to plant some sugar peas. We have never planted sugar peas before, so we decided to give it a shot this year. The hope is that they will "crawl" up the fence.
Strawberry plant never died from last year, so it is large and in charge this year. Hopefully it has an early start and we might actually get a berry or two if the squirrels don't beat us to it (like last year).
The backyard all de-thatched, but not raked up yet.
Here are some piles in the backyard. It isn't a tough process, it just takes time. Jared put the moss killer on a week or so ago to kill the moss. Then we rent the de-thatcher and de-thatch the lawn. Next it is raked into neat piles and then we load the piles into the compost bins.
Here are some shots of Kristina's peonies. They are more than poking out of the ground...they are on their way. Hopefully we will get some nice blooms out of them this year.
The de-thatcher!
Jared raking everything up!
Here are some shot of the back corner of our yard that we have cleared out. Lots of salmonberry, blackberry, and miscellaneous brush all cut down. Old snags pulled down and chopped up into logs and just tons of weeds. We are done yet, but it looks a lot better already.
Daffodils in the backyard, rather than the front. So you can see how much they enjoy the sun!
The azaleas are starting to bloom, along with the primrose.
After de-thatching, the yard always looks so much better...like a clean slate!