Sunday, June 15, 2014

Harp Parents Visit

Mom and Dad stopped by while they were over helping Gerry (Jared's Uncle) with his house and dogs while he underwent surgery.  It was a great opportunity to celebrate a bunch of things... Mother's and Father's Day, Dad's Birthday, and Mom's Birthday!

Kristina put together a great dinner when they arrived on Saturday, which included Kobe beef steaks. On Sunday we headed over to Seattle for lunch, hoping to eat at Serious Pie, but they were way too busy, so we headed to Bravehorse Tavern instead.  After that, we walked over to the flagship REI in Seattle to let the folks do some shopping with their birthday money!  We were hoping they could stock up in preparation for the hiking trip into the Bighorn Crags in Idaho later this summer.
On Monday, Jared took the day off to take his parents up to Dorothy Lake.  It was a bit drizzly that day, but that really doesn't affect hiking in Western Washington!  We had a great trip.