Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Kristina's New Cube View

As already discussed on this blog, Kristina has a new job and is still getting used to her surroundings.  Everything these days is open concept. Something that she doesn't particularly like (no privacy), but she understands why it is so popular these days. 

Please note:  Companies that hire engineers need to understand that engineers need to THINK, therefore, open concept is not always the best idea.

The other day, Kristina got up from her chair to stretch a bit and when she stood up and turned around to look out the window, she realized that this is her view!  What a fantastic view of part of the Cascades! Maybe open concept isn't so bad after all!  That being said, Kristina doesn't care of the open concept, but she does love her new view!

Again, please not that these pictures were taken with Kristina's Samsung Galaxy S4.