Not a whole lot was planned for this weekend. We did our normal routine of upkeep around the house, but on Saturday afternoon we ventured out to Carnation, Washington. Carnation is a small town in Western Washington where the Tolt River and the Snoqualmie River meet (actually the Tolt dumps into the Snoqualmie). We figured that it would be nice to walk along the rivers and let Indy take an occasional dip into the river(s), if they weren't moving too fast.
It was a nice day, but kind of muggy for Western Washington standards. The temperature was the mid to upper 70's and the sun peaked in and out of the clouds most of the day. As we walked along the Tolt River portion, we were amazed at how many people (families, young people, fisherman, etc..) were taking advantage of the river. It was kind of nice to see and everyone looked like they were having a good time. As we continue to walk, we ran into a nice campground and there were tons of people taking advantage of it too.
Sorry there are no pictures with this post, but we knew we forgot something as we were leaving the house -- the camera. Just know that we had a good time and Indy got plenty of swimming in the river. There were LOTS of dogs taking advantage of the river. It was a good day for all of us!