Winter continues for us, and the snow too. While it seemed to take a while for the snow to start, it looks like it has started and is going to be with us for a while (to say the very least). So yesterday was our first day of snow; we both didn't think it would turn out to be much and that it would probably all melt today. However, we were quite wrong. It snowed another 4" at our house and accumulated. It was a wet snow (perfect for snowballs and snowmen). We didn't venture out into it too much, except to take a walk with Indy and to clean off the walkways (to keep from packing it down). It is very pretty as long as you don't have to drive in it.
Snow coming down in the backyard!
A look "down" on the Tolt Pipeline Trail
Indy showing us her preference for snow. We shoveled off part of the deck so that should didn't have to be in the snow, and this is where she chooses to rest! What a goofy animal!
It is a good thing that tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day -- this way, we have a day to "recover" before the masses have to get back out into the snow and drive in order to get some where.